Kalu Rangjung Künchab and his main sources of inspiration

Thangka painted in the early 20th century at Palpung monastery, depicting Kalu Rangjung Künchab surrounded by his main sources of inspiration including Shangpa Kagyü, Dagpo Kagyü and Nyingma masters, representative of the Rime tradition.
1) Vajradhâra
2) Guru Rinpoché
3) Niguma
4) Marpa
5) Milarepa
6) Gampopa
7) Khyungpo Naljor
8) Namkhé Nyingpo (bodhisattva Âkâshagarbha)
9) Kalu Rangjung Künchab
10) Karmapa III (Rangjung Dorjé)
11) Raga Asya (Âraga)
12) Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé I
13) Patrul Rinpoché (Paltrül Abushrî)
14) Situpa XI (Pema Wangchok Gyalpo)
15) Chakrasamvara (Khorlo Demchok)
16) Gönpo Chadrupa