Drogön Sangyé Tönpa
'gro mgon sangs rgyas ston pa
1207-1278 or 1213-1285

Sangye Tönpa Tsöndrü Senge was born to a Bönpo family. At his birth, the adept Amogha flew down from the sky to offer wondrous prophecies about the new born.
Tibetan Forefathers (11th–13th)
Sangye Tönpa Tsöndrü Senge was born to a Bönpo family. At his birth, the adept Amogha flew down from the sky to offer wondrous prophecies about the new born.
Rigongpa Chökyi Sherab was born to a family in Yol. Much like Mokchokpa and Kyergangpa before him, he was named after the locality where he spent many years meditating and teaching, Rigong.
From Mokchokpa, the great adept at Lhabu in Shang, he mastered the teachings on Clear Light, Dream Yoga, and Illusory Form and had uninterrupted vision of many deities. While Kyerganpa was practicing diligently, he was informed that his uncle Ba Thamche Khyenpa had passed away. Lama Kyergangpa was particularly devoted to the deity Hayagriva.
In the Brief Life Story of Khyungpo Naljor (khyung po rnal sbyor gyi rnam thar), where his six main disciples are depicted as a tree, Mokchokpa is named the fruit of the clear light and dream yogas. Mokchokpa lived a solitary life devoted to the search for awakening and the extraordinary methods of the path of tantras.
The accomplished scholar Khyungpo Naljor was extraordinary, although much less famous than his contemporaries Naropa, Marpa and Milarepa. Khyungpo Naljor was considered by Jamgön Kongtrül to be one of the greatest yogis ever to have existed in Tibet.
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