Translation projects
The Shangpa Foundation continues the work of the Dzamling Dragyur Kunchab translation group initiated by Kalu Rangjung Kunkhyab in 1987. At that time he requested his disciples to translate the Treasury of Knowledge (shes bya kun khyab mdzod) by Jamgön Kongtrül, as well as the main scriptures of the lineage. This project has been ongoing since that time, the English version of the Treasury of Knowledge has been finalized and published by the Tsadra Foundation, the French version is under completion and is available in restricted diffusion. Many seminal Shangpa Kagyü historical, philosophical and contemplative Tibetan literary works have been and are being translated into Western languages; see the Resource Center for more information. The list is not exhaustive; please let us know if you are aware of additional titles that have been translated. The foundation would also like to develop collaborations with any translators and translation groups interested in the Shangpa corpus.